Sunday, October 19, 2014

Python thread id in log statements

You can automatically add thread ids to your log statements using Python’s logging module with LogRecord. LogRecord provides 2 attributes for thread related information: threadName and thread.

%(thread)d : Thread ID (if available).
%(threadName)s : Thread name (if available).
For printing thread name:
from logging import getLogger, getLevelName, Formatter, StreamHandler

log = getLogger()
log_formatter = Formatter("%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s [%(threadName)s] ") # I am printing thread id here

console_handler = StreamHandler()
log.addHandler(console_handler)"Hi, how are you")

Sample output from above:

2014-10-19 18:18:29,644 [INFO] root: Hi, how are you [MainThread]
For printing thread id:
from logging import getLogger, getLevelName, Formatter, StreamHandler

log = getLogger()
log_formatter = Formatter("%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s [%(threadName)s] ") # I am printing thread id here

console_handler = StreamHandler()
log.addHandler(console_handler)"Hi, how are you")

Sample output from above:

2014-10-19 18:22:02,294 [INFO] root: Hi, how are you [140635865786176]

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